Genealogy of Khandan-e-Shareefi

Genealogy of Khandan-e-Shareefi
Family Tree Khandan e Sharifi (Hakim Ajmal Khan)
Abdullah Ibn Abi Quhafa, universally known as
Abu Bakr Siddique
Companion of the Prophet (pbuh)
First of the Khulfa-e-Rashideen (Rightly Guided Caliphs)
- 50 years before H / circa. 573, Makkah Mukarramah
- 22 Jumadi II, 13 H / 23 August 634, Madinah Munawwarah
Khwaja Muhammad Al-Nami Baghdadi
Khwaja Tajuddin Rumi Shashi
(Tashkent was named Shash by the ancient Arabs)
Khwaja Muhammad Bash Shashi
Khwaja Imaduddin Shashi
Khwaja Shahabuddin Shashi
Agriculturist and merchant
Khwaja Shashi
Agriculturist and merchant
Nasiruddin Khwaja Ubaidullah Ahrar
- Ramazan 806 H/ March 1404, Tashkent
- Friday, 29 Rabi I, 895 / 27 February 1490, Samarqand
Grand Shaikh of the Sufi ()rder of Naqshband. Many rulers of Central Asia were his fervent disciples or
great-grandson of Amir Timur (Tamerlan), the Great
his followers: Sultan Abu Saied of Samarqand
Conqueror; Zaheeruddin Muhammad Babar — the future founder of the Mughal Dynasty in India; Ottoman
Sultan Muhammad II, A1-Fateh — the conqueror of Constantinople; etc.
Shamsuddin Khwaja Muhammad Abdullah Khwajka
(also known as Khwaja Kalan)
- 908 H/ 1502, Andejan, Uzbekistan [Year 908 H commenced from 13 July 1502]
Shaikh of Hadees, Exegesis and Arabic language
Khwaja Muhammad Yusuf
- 14 safar 937 H/ 14 October 1530, Kashgar
Sufi, mystic
Khwaja Muhammad Sultan
- Herat, Afghanistan
(most probably died in Deccan(?) around 1570 / 977 H(?))
Nuruddin Khwaja Mullah Ali Qari Al-Hanafi A1-Haravi
- Herat, Afghanistan
- Shawwal 1014 H / February 1606, Makkah Mukarramah
Religious scholar, prolific writer, author of about 40 extant works; migrated from Hyderabad Deccan to
Agra in 963 H/ 1556. During the reign of Mughal Emperor Jalaluddin Akbar, he held the position of Shaikh
Khwaja Mullah Ali Daoud
- around 1630 / 1039 H, Akbar Abad (Agra)
Sufi, religious scholar; during the reign of Mughal Emperor Saleemuddin Jahangir was Responsible for
Religious Affairs.
Hakeem Khwaja Muhammad Fazil Khan
- around 167() / 1()80 H, Akbar Abad (Agra)
He was the first I-lakeelll (Oriental Doctor of Medicine) of the family in India; Royal Hakeem at the court
of Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan; along with his brother Hakeem Khwaja Muhammad Ajmal Khan l, was
ennobled with the heredity title of ‘Khan’. Both the brothers were the pioneers of the family in the field of
Unani (Greek) Medicine.
Hakeem Khwaja Muhammad Wasil Khan
- 3 Shaban 1 131 H/ 19 June 1719, Shah Jahan Abad (Dehli)
Sufi of the Qadriya Order; migrated from Agra to Delhi in the beginning of the reign of Mughal Emperor
Aurangzeb Alatngir in whose court he was the Royal Hakeem; the first to start the compilation of medical
prescription; died in the beginning of the reign of Mughal Emperor Muhammad Shah.
Hakeem Khwaja Muhammad Akmal Khan
- 29 Raniazan 120() 11(?) (c/ Tazkirat) / 24 July 1786, Delhi [I would say, most probably around 17601
Royal Hakeem at the Court of Mughal Emperor Muhammad Shah; was given the title of Alana/ Al-
Muhaqqaqeen and Haziq A1-Mulk by the Emperor. The Crown Prince, Ahmad Shah, directed him to poison
the Emperor, which he refused. When Ahlnad Shah ascended to the throne in 1748, he banished Hakeem
Akmal Khan fronn the Court and confiscated all his properties. Though he regretted later, and offered to
appoint him again at the Court, Akmal Khan refused and continued practice in the public domain.
Hakeem Khwaja Muhammad Shareef Khan
- 1 138 H/ 1725, Delhi [Year 1 138 H commenced from 7 September 17251
- 7 Muharram 1222 / 15 March 1807, Delhi
Royal Hakeem at the Court of Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II; was given the title of Ashraf A1-Hu/una by
the Ennperor. He wrote seven books on medicine of which the most famous is llqj A1-Imraz – still
considered an authority in the field. He was a renowned Muhaddis and Faqih and translated the Holy
Quran in Persian and Urdu languages. His translation of the Quran in Urdu is considered to be the first in
this language. The Family is named after him: Khandan-e-Shareefi (The House of Shareef).
Hakeem Khwaja Muhammad Sadiq Ali Khan
- 1 184 H/ 1770, Delhi [Year 1 184 H commenced from 24 April 17701
- 29 safar 1264 H / 2 Febl 848, Delhi
It was the epoch when the power of East India Company was on the rise; Hakeem Sadiq Ali Khan was,
therefore, more a Hakeem of the people than a Royal Hakeem. He authored several books on medicine,
theology, grammar and education.
Hakeem Khwaja Ghulam Mahmood Khan
- 1235 H/ 1820, Delhi [Year 1235 H commenced from 18 October 18191
- 1309 H/ 1892, Delhi [Year 1309 H commenced from 4 August 18911
Great Hakeem, known for his grace and dignity; considered as the Philanthropist of Delhi; called the
Saviour of Delhi by its citizens for his actions during the 1857 Revolt. In addition to authoring two books
on medicine, he wrote Qanoon-e-ShareeJi — a history of the family.
Maseeh-ul-Mulk Hakeem Hafiz Khwaja Muhammad Ajmal Khan
- 17 Shawwal 1284 H / 9 February 1868, Delhi
- 29 December 1927 / 5 Rajab 1346, Rampur
Hakeem of legendary reputation, renowned politician, philanthropist, poet, grammarian and calligraphist.
He was amongst the founding metnber of All-India Muslim League in 19()6. The only politician in British
India to have presided sessions of All-India Muslim League and the Indian Congress. In protest against the
policies of the Government, he returned his official title of Haziq-ul-Mulk and in return the Indian people gave him the title of Maseeh-ul-Mulk, proposed by Khvvuia Hasan Nizami – and the title became a part of
his naine. Along with his brothers, Hakeeln Abdul Majeed Khan and Hakeem Wasil Khan, he founded the
Madrassa Tibbiya, Delhi in 1890 and which became the Medical College, Delhi with the laying of the
foundation stone by the Viceroy Lord Hardinge in 1916, and inaugurated in 1921.
Hakeem Khwaja Muhammad Jameel Khan
- 15 May 1898 / 27 Zilhij 1315, Delhi
- 24 September 1970 / 23 Rajab 1390, Lahore
Hakeem, botanist and poet. Author of several books of which the well-known Kitab Al-Mufardat.
Hakeem Muhammad Nabi Khan     Zobaida Begum     Rehana Begum   Hakeem Ahmad Nabi Khan
Mustayeen Ahmed Khan