Showing 1–12 of 14 results

Ajmal Qurs Kahruba

Qurs Kahruba herbal remedy for Bleeding & Hematemesis Condition

Qurs Kahruba is special unani medicine to stop excessive bleeding (Haemorrhage). It is great herbal remedy for internal or external body bleeding.  

Ajmal Qurs Niswan

Qurs Nisran herbal medicine for Leucorrhea

Qurs Niswan is special Ajmal Dawakhana medicine for Leukorrhea. It cures the whitish discharge from female genitals. Qurs removes weakness from female body due to Leukorrhea.

Akseer E Niswan

Akseer E Niswan (Menstrual khatooni Syrup)

It is an effective Ajmal remedy for female uterine diseases. It cures the continuation of menstruation for less or more than the normal number of days, irregularity in the menstruation cycle, physical fatigue, and pain in female genitalia. Regular use of Akseer-e-Niswan keeps women healthy and protects them from gynecological disorders.

Arq Ushba

Arq e Ushba Ajmal Dawakhana

Arq Ushba is special aqueous distillate which purifies blood and is particularly useful in join pain, syphilis, gonorrhea, gout and other saudawi diseases.

Hab E Mudir

Hab e Mudir Ajmal Dawakhana

An effective unani medicine used to regularize menstrual flow. It is useful in amenorrhea and dysfunctional uterine bleeding.


Hab-e-Hamal Female Infertility Treatment

Hab-e-Hamal is an effective Unani medicine specially formulated for women to help and support healthy Hamal (conception). It is used to treat atony of uterus. Habb-e-Hamal Ajmali helps in female infertility; it gives strength to the female uterus.

Majun Hafiz Ul Janain

Majun Hafiz Ul Janain

Majun Hafiz Ul Janain is 100% herbal unani medicine for women who have habitual abortion. It strengthens the uterus and prevents miscarriage's.

Majun Hamal Ambari AlviKhani

Best Herbal Medicine Miscarriage's & Weak Uterus

Majun Hamal Ambari is special medicine to strengthen uterus. It removes all kinds of weakness from female uterus.

Majun Supari Pak


Majun Supari Pak

A well-known herbal remedy in Tibb-e-Unani for diseases peculiar to women. It provides strength to the female reproductive organs and increases the retentive power of the uterus. It is best herbal tonic for female genreal and reproductive health.

Majun Zanjabeel

Majun Zanjabeel for Stomach & Female Disorder

Majun Zanjabeel is famous unani medicine which strengthens the stomach, aids digestion, increases appetite and gives relief from flatulence and nausea. It is useful in leucorrhoea, uterine pain, and menstrual pain.

Mee Lo Ajmali

Female Uterus Inflammation - PCOS

Me Lo is famous trademark Ajmal Dawakhana product. It was formulated by Hakim Ajmal Khan Sahab. It is an extremely effective remedy for overall female uterine problems. It stops bad odor and secretions from uterus and treats PCOS.

Qurs Faulad Ajmal

Qurs Faulad for Iron Deficincy

Qurs Faulad Ajmali is special unani herbal medicine for anaemia. It increases production of pure & healthy blood. It is an excellent tonic for liver, stomach and sexual vigour.

Ajmal Dawakhana Products For Females

Explore a diverse selection of reliable Ajmal Dawakhana products for females, women’s health needs. Whether you’re seeking comprehensive holistic wellness or addressing specific concerns, our range offers effective solutions. With a focus on women’s unique health requirements, our products are designed to promote overall vitality and balance. From traditional herbal remedies to modern formulations, we have you covered. Your health is our priority, and our products reflect our commitment to providing trusted options for women to take charge of their health with confidence