Herbal Medicines for Children. More parents are preferring herbal remedies to maintain their children’s good health and to treat their illnesses. Gripe Water, Brain Tonic, Weak Eyesight, Stomach Tonic, Herbal supplement for growing babies.

Showing all 5 results

Ajmal Ghutti


Ajmal Ghutti 

Ajmal Ghutti is specially formulated to relieve wind, infant colic and gripping pain. Ghutti is also effective, especially in children, to treat loss of appetite (anorexia) and general health & wellbeing. Ajmal Ghutti is given to newborn babies in the first 10 days to clear the stomach and intestines from all the waste materials.

Gripe Water Ajmal


Natural Gripe Water for Colic Babies

Ajmal Gripe Water is a natural remedy to reduce crying episodes in infants due to colic, hiccups and discomfort. It quickly relieves abdominal distention due to excessive gas buildup.

Hab e Sira


Natural Medicine for Epilepsy in Children

Hab-e-Sara is an effective Unani medicine for epilepsy and infantile epilepsy. It gradually decreases epileptic fits and can be used for epilepsy fits in children.

Khamira Danayiee


Herbal Tonic to for Demagh (Brain)

Khamira Danaee is famous Ajmal medicine for children and adults to improve brain function and memory.

Sibyani Ajmali


Herbal Tonic for Children Growth

Sibyani is specially formulated with herbal ingredients which is help children in their growth period. It improves overall healthy of children by improving their immunity and strengthening their bones.