Itrifal is spoken for three fruits, which are Haleela (Terminelia chebula fruit), Balela (Terminelia belerica fruit) and Amla (Emblica officinalis Gaertin fruit). Earlier it was believed that Itrifal is Indian origin but actually it is Greek origin because in Greek Tri is spoken for three. In Ilmul Advia Itrifaloon and Itrifal words are used to explain Itrifal. Trifalan and Trifaloon words are also used for three leaves or which posses three leaves or trifoliate. Biskhapra (Trianthema portulacastrum herb) and Salab (Orchis latifolia herb) is also called Trifaloon as these both have three leaves. Inventor of Itrifal is said to Indroomakhas. Ajmal Herbal offers Itrifal with cautionary advice, should be used continuously for not more than two month. Its continuous use may weaken the gastric.