Showing 13–16 of 16 results

Majun Mask Ul Bol


Majun Mask Ul Bol

Majun Mask Ul Bol is famous Unani medicine for polyuria (excessive urination). It strengthens the urinary bladder and is useful in incontinence.

Qurs Suzak


Best Unani herbal Medicine for Sozak (Gonorrhoea)

Qurs Suzak is a well known herbal medicine for acute and chronic gonorrhoea. It stops burning sensation while urinating and stops bleeding and mucous discharge.

Sharbat Bazuri Motadil


Sharbat Bazoori Motadil Ajmal Dawakhana

Sharbat Bazuri Motadil is 100% natural & effective remedy to cleanse liver, kidney and bladder from all kinds of wastes. It has cooling effect on body and is an excellent  diuretic drink.

Taryaq Masana Ajmal


Herbal Medicine for Weak Bladder

Taryaq e Masana is an effective unani medicine for bladder weakness. It has been used for centuries to treat bladder inflammation and pain of bladder.