Showing 25–32 of 32 results

Qurs Bisbasa


Qurs Bisbasa 100% Herbal Medicine for Stomach & Intestines

Qurs Bisbasa manufactured by Ajmal Dawakhana is special unani medicine which aids digestion and improves appetite. It strengthens intestines, stomach and overlall GIT system.

Qurs Bukhar Ajmali


Herbal Medicine for Malaria Fever

Qurs Bukhar Ajmali is special unani medicine for fever / high body temperature. It is formulated with 100% natural herbal ingredients that help in all kinds of treating fever.

Qurs Faulad Ajmal


Qurs Faulad for Iron Deficincy

Qurs Faulad Ajmali is special unani herbal medicine for anaemia. It increases production of pure & healthy blood. It is an excellent tonic for liver, stomach and sexual vigour.

Qurs Muasffi Murakkab


Ajmal Qurs Musaffi Murakkab for Skin Disorders

Ajmal Qurs Musaffi Murakkab is famous Unani medicine to purify blood. It is effective remedy for boils, scabies, acne, pimples, gonorrhoea, syphilis and all other skin eruptions due to impure blood.

Qurs Mulaiyin (Laxative Tablets)


Qurs Mulaiyin Natural Medicine for Chronic Constipation

An effective laxative, purgative tablet and is a particularly useful remedy for chronic constipation. Removes heaviness of the stomach by clearing the waste matter from the intestines and stomach in constipation.

Qurs Nukra Murakab


Qurs Nuqra Murakab

Qurs Nukra provides energy to the mind, nerves & improve eyesight. It’s a well-known cephalic tonic & cardiac stimulant. Qurs Nukra provides relief from diseases like headache, cerebral debility, dizziness, amnesia, mania, or melancholia. Protects the body from common flu and cold.

Qurs Sapistan


Qurs Sapistan Cough, Cold & Flu remedy (Expectorant)

Qurs Sapistan is tablet form of famous unani medicine Laoq Sapistan. It is effective remedy for cough, cold and flu. It removes phlegm from the chest and cures flu symptoms.  

Qurs Suzak


Best Unani herbal Medicine for Sozak (Gonorrhoea)

Qurs Suzak is a well known herbal medicine for acute and chronic gonorrhoea. It stops burning sensation while urinating and stops bleeding and mucous discharge.